
Hopscotch + hugs + happiness

Kids are never bored. Think about it. They find wonder and joy in everything, and everything is made into a game. Laughter and smiles are about as frequent as blinking.

I think a lot of us "adults" have fallen away from that, and at least one reason is our inhibitions. We're afraid to sit on the ground lest we catch germs, roll around in the dirt because our clothes will get dirty, or climb a tree because we don't have the right shoes on.

Interestingly, I've found that the more I achieve in the adult world of careers and responsibility, the more my inner child has been bursting out (more than usual, I should add. I think my "inner child" is actually just... my daily self).

My last couple weeks have included a game of Capture the Flag, coloring with crayons, playing with plastic dinosaurs, and a spectacular viewing of "The Land Before Time." (jealous, much?)

I believe, to my very core, that if more of us spent just 15 minutes a day playing... just playing... this world would absolutely and undoubtedly be a better place. There would be less boredom, less irritation, less arguments, and even less war. We would just solve disagreements through a game of Ro Sham Bo, and then go puddle jumping together.

To reiterate, I will enlist the use of one of my favorite poems, "Hug O' War," by Shel Silverstein.
I will not play at tug o' war.
I'd rather play at hug o' war,
Where everyone hugs
Instead of tugs,
Where everyone giggles
And rolls on the rug,
Where everyone kisses,
And everyone grins,
And everyone cuddles,
And everyone wins.
The color of the day is Piggy Pink: the color of my bedroom walls as a child, my favorite CareBear, and my cheeks after running around on the beach trying to capture my opponents' flag. Indulging my 6-year-old soul makes me so happy. In fact, listen to this song: Happy Girl, by Martina McBride. Oh, the sweetest thing in the whole wide world is a happy girl.

Your inner child isn't as buried as you think. Try it out: sit on the floor, climb over a fence, get some markers out and draw something. It will feel amazing and the time will fly (cuz you'll be having fun).

And remember these words from someone far wiser than me:
Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. -Jesus.
Matthew 19:14