
Dandelions can also brighten any day

Sometimes it's hard to ease my mind to realize you're always with me: waiting, willing to hear my prayers, my hopes, my dreams, my every need. I pray for light in times of darkness. -Jack Johnson, "Country Road."

Today, I glimpsed the joy and beauty of life that so often goes unnoticed. I feel excited, I feel alive. Not only are doors opening, but mountains are parting. The brightest lamp in the entire world is lighting my path and showing me where to go, making sure I don't get lost. I have never felt so completely sure about anything in my life.

I have finally found the way to follow my heart. And to say anymore about it than that would somehow diminish its value. It feels so delicate, so fragile, that even a breeze could blow it away.

All I know is that asking God for guidance does nothing if you insist on being in control. It's so hard to ignore my micromanaging instincts, but learning to let go has been... awe-inspiring.

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light. Ephesians 5:8

Color of the day: dandelion yellow: the color of this evening's sky as I watched the sun slide beneath the horizon, the hue of the flowers handed to me by a complete stranger before he disappeared into a crowd, and my equivalent of rose-colored glasses. Also, my favorite word.

(I realize everything in this post is cliché, but I won't apologize). Cheers!