
Road-trip vs. Africa. I think we know who wins.

It's amazing how productive I can be when I don't have to work at 3:30 a.m. Man, that shift just kills me. Today is my first day off in seven days and despite my itch to take more assignments from my editors, I am taking the day off.

Already, I have made a doctor's appointment to get my immunization shots, mapped out a healthy meal plan for this week, cleaned the house and grocery shopped, visited the post office AND the bank! Annnnnnd I'm not even done! After this mid-afternoon rest-break, I plan to get my camera fixed, pump some iron at the gym and garden. (hey, I love lists, ok?!)

Another reason why I'm so productive? No distractions, i.e. a sad and empty house. Three of my best friends left this morning for a week-long road-trip through the deep south. Can ya say "Yeeeee haw!"? Part of my heart stings with the disappointment of not being with them, bringing back painful memories of my high school friends going on a senior trip without me, without telling me, and without explanation.

Despite that emotional scar still with me, I know that this time it's different. My best friends now are the friends who really taught me what friendship is and have proven time and time again that they are worthy of my trust and my heart.

And on top of that, my reason for not going is pretty awesome, too... AFRICA!!!! One and a half months til I am on a plane to Malawi. One-way ticket? I wish. I'll be there for a couple weeks doing humanitarian-type work with my church in partnership with the organization Children of the Nations.

Color of the day? "Bittersweet." Huh. I promise I didn't plan that... it really is a Crayola color! The Bittersweet crayon is a vibrant coral color that matches my flowy floor-length skirt that I get to wear in Africa. I call it my "Africa skirt." Original, right?!

It's going to be amazing. I'm so excited. What comes after? Who knows. I have, like, ten million ideas, but I am doing my very best trying not to make plans. I'm leaving it in bigger hands.