
Soup, snowmen, and sickness

When flu season rolls around, many would describe themselves as "light-headed." I can't relate. My head feels like a bowling ball, my sinuses are as heavy as an elephant and my forehead is made out of solid iron, I swear. I'm coma'd up from medicine and soup, and my designated sitting spot in front of the heater is getting old.

My sickness came on quickly the day after I returned from my mini-Thanksgiving vaca, an after-effect of traveling or perhaps simply the cold weather. Despite my constant complaints, I really enjoyed the northern California weather. Little things like sliding on the icy grass and defrosting the windshield truly melted my heart (but not my fingers, unfortunately).

Blizzard blue: the color of my sickness-induced mood, snowflakes and my toes in the winter. Although I've been called a wimp when it comes to the cold, I am bound and determined to live in a snowy region. I shall strap tennis rackets to my feet and make snowmen from dawn until dusk. But until then, I am bundled from nose to toe as I head out to face the 64-degree San Diego weather. Wish me luck.